Hello There My Babygirl
Hello Honey-dew of mine
Nearly a week that you came into my life and babygirl do I love you like crazy...
You are puuuuurfect... An easy joke that doesn't even come close to the truth.
You are indeed perfect. You are lovely and kind and clever. You are intelligent and understand what's going on. I don't actually have any good pictures of you. You are quite lively when I am around and I either play with you or have other things to do! Changing your...
and here it is: cat litter
from wordreference.com
'I am a English native speaker and feel it is quite acceptable to say I emptied the cat's litter tray (or changed the cat's litter in the litter tray) but yes you cannot say I emptied the cat litter - however you could say I emptied the cat litter on to the newspaper!'
And so where was I?
Oh yeah. You my babydoll are the cleverest little thing ever. I forbid you nothing. You can do anything and everything you want here. This is your home. I took the time to understand your personality and I am trying to give you what you need for now. I will not keep you inside and you will be free! I couldn't bear keeping you inside like a prisoner and I would feel like a torturer to make you go through this... I have no right to keep you inside, trapped. You are an animal with an animal instinct, a purpose, a need to be free and do your thing. You'll bring me mice and birds!! You will go and explore and hunt and be happy and please be careful... Don't trust strangers... You will go and you will come back to Mummy because you love me! I know that to be true... Oh dear... No Charles did not ruin this for me!
So let's talk about the week from Monday September 25th, when you entered my life Babydoll.
You arrived at 8am instead of 9, thankfully I had decided to get up at the normal time of 7.30... Your previous owner called about 10 minutes later asking me if he woke me up (no! no... LOL) and telling me you'd be arriving much earlier, in about a half-hour he said... Lazing a bit more in bed (shame on me! — I was exhausted though from the trip... the trip and the anxiety, that'd be more like it... Anxiety over what? Oh just the old boyfriend and wondering if I should break up? Or maybe just how?
Here is a clue:
(gosh Lexie, this is really all about you ><)
30/09/2017, 12:12 - LeChatPonti: Coucou Bébé, j'espère que tu vas bien. Il pleut ici... Il y a bcp de choses qui me tracassent. Je garde out pour moi mais l'angoisse me fait mal au ventre et je fais des cauchemars. Ce n'est pas simple... J'espère que ton problème de piratage est en phase de resolution. Je vais faire le ménage et travailler même si le coeur n'y est pas! Il pleut trop pour la lessive aujourd'hui. Bisous et bon courage et peut-être à plus tard. 😘😘😘😘💗😘💗😘
30/09/2017, 12:21 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: Bonjour bébé
Il pleut ici aussi 😔
J'attend tjs ke Microsoft me rapel...je suis debout depuis 5h ça me stress.
Je vais sûrement les rapeler cet apreme. Du cou depuis ce matin je sui sur Id vu ke j'peu rien faire d'autre.
C'est koi ki te tracace? C'est à propos de nous?
Ou autre chose ?
Si tu veux on s'appel en fin d'après-midi et on en parle.
Bisou mon coeur 😘💋💕
30/09/2017, 13:14 - LeChatPonti: Microsoft t'oblige à travailler et moi la. Pluie à faire le ménage ! Heureusement que des motivations extérieures sont là pour nous. Aider...
Oui à propos de nous, mais je ne sais pas si c'est mieux d'en parler au téléphone ou de vive voix, les deux présentent des bons et mauvais côtés... Bon je me mets au ménage... Bisous Bébé je t'aime tu sais et je ne te demande rien j'ai juste besoin de dire des choses 💗💗💗💗💗
30/09/2017, 13:36 - LeChatPonti: Oui ou cet aprèm parce que vu que j'ai commencé à pleurer ça m'aidera comme on va pas se voir pendant longtemps. PS Lexie s.en bat si je pleure haha c'est pas grave elle me fait des millions de calins!! Mon manche à balai s'est coincé ! J'espère que tu es au téléphone maintenant !! Mille Bisous 💋💋💋
30/09/2017, 13:40 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: Bin là mon coeur je vien de manger et je vais faire une sieste...je t'envoi un message kan j'me reveil et on s'appel?
J'espère ke ya rien de grave 😰
Bisouuuu bébé 😘🤗😘
A taleur
30/09/2017, 17:45 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: Ça va bébé ?
J'me reveil là...j'ai fais des cauchemars aussi et je suis en sueur 💦
Le temp de me changer d'aller faire un café et je t'appel? Dans 10min? 😘
30/09/2017, 18:01 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: T'es là mon coeur? Ou toi aussi tu fais une sieste?
Tu me dis kan j'peu t'appeler...😘💋💋
30/09/2017, 21:21 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: <Media omitted>
30/09/2017, 22:45 - LeChatPonti: Hey... Ca VA, t'en es où ?
30/09/2017, 22:48 - LeChatPonti: On devrait en profiter pendant que je suis... high as a kite... Tu dors ?
So, waiting for the transfer and whatever, here was you with me:
Monday September 25th
You arrive in the carpark of Aldi. Your previous owner Philippe wants to bring you to your new home and that's perfectly acceptable... but I haven't done any cleaning and that's a bit of a shame... literally, I am ashamed. For the dust... 'I haven't had time to clean'... Sounds great on a Monday morning after a full two days of no work? Well, turns out I went to see my dad for my birthday and it was awesome!
Anyhow... so first I show you where your cat litter is, then proceed to pour you some water and food. Philippe makes a face at the Whiskas cat food packet I pull out, and tells me: 'it's ok now that you bought it (geez thanks) but you need to buy cat food from the veterinary's office. Well first of all fuck you, because you didn't tell me this, in your text you said 'good quality food, not the cheapest'. You didn't say anything about buying them elsewhere than in a supermarket. Anyhow I don't know who you think you are talking to, but I am doing a training course in Le Creusot so you really think I am made of money?
Turns out Lexie likes her cat food just fine. You my darling love the ones filled with milk, they are the first ones to go.
You are a fantastic, clever girl. I let you look around and get an idea of the space that will become your new home...
Even though I could have gone to work on time, I decide to stay with you, of course, I don't even know why I am mentioning it, while this massive 'Send feedback' pop-up button is quite annoying in the right hand corner of the screen.
I don't force you onto me like Philippe suggested. I give you time and space. After a while, I take some of her —croquette/ biscuit/ dry food or even kibble in US English— and lay some down on the floor, not too close to me, and calling her. You my lovely girl come and start eating a little bit... I place the biscuits closer to me, in a path leading to me... You eat and eat at times a bit frightened but more and more confident. As you are now close to me I stroke you and you purr... what a good omen...
I do have to go so I say goodbye. I had followed Philippe's advice and roll up some little balls of paper... Turns out you love that because if there is one real hunter, it's you.
At lunch I come back and check how everything is going, food and drink and poo-poo-wise... She hasn't eaten as I had made a little trail of biscuits all the way to her bowl, none of which had disappeared. Nevermind (or, as I read, never mind) for now, as I receive that very day the little cat toys made of a little toy with a bell attached by an elastic to a wooden stick... and so I play with you and you love it! Running after it, trying to catch it by jumping as high as you can! You get understandably tired and set yourself nice and cosy in the red chair. Good, I think to myself, she'll be sleeping a bit and won't notice my absence too much.
In the evening, I worked late(er) and come back about 19h20/30... I don't have much energy to play with you, I really am exhausted... I make some quick and easy food (good old Aldi's tins) and tuck myself in bed with my tray... And gosh do you want to eat this food! It's hard to keep you away from both the food and the screen! You are also very very attracted to my glass of sparkling water, and dip a tiny bit of your a little bit of your tongue in it... It probably stings a little, seeing your pretty startled reaction... Cough cough of sort... That doesn't stop you from giving it another good go, this time with the whole tongue... and gosh do you not like it!
And finally, the night arrives and you come sleep with me. Massive cuddles ensue and it's a world of happiness hearing you purr and stroking you, while you snuggle and cuddle up to me.
I couldn't be happier.
Day II and III ensue with playing and cuddling. I am tired again on Day II (leaving at 7pm) and getting up earlier to get into work, well, early. But I play with you at lunch time, and in the evenings as I leave work at 6pm. You couldn't climb onto the little platform up the scratching post, but sure enough you managed to do it in a day or two. You climb up the curtains, as far as you can go... Yesterday Friday (well, two days ago now technically) you got yourself even higher than before, with a soft-elastic band in your mouth... I had ordered you a rope so you could play but as it arrived it turned out it was made of nylon... my bad really, which will teach me to look up and order things from my phone... because it's too small a screen and too cumbersome to check description and details... Never mind (again!), I am returning it and buying an organic rope, made of... chanvre, so cannabis plant hihihi... Anyway, I also looked high and low for a cat tree for you to play and have fun. They can be extremely costly, and unbelievably ugly. I found some with quite a nice design, but in the ned not fit the purpose of entertaining my girl. I eventually found the best for my lady with plenty of options to play, and one nesting place which you might particularly enjoy to bring back your preys.
Today Saturday was the first real cleaning day (I did swipe the floor the very morning you were here), and you behaved like the lovely clever lady you are and made yourself comfortable on the red chair, out of the way of the broom, pan and duster. You do massive poo-poo's but that is so great that your digestive system is working well! I remove your poo-poo's as soon as you make them this weekend! You are magical and wonderful and I only want for you to be happy.
You are my love and my darling and my baby and I find it hard not to talk to people about you! She did this and she did that...
This is your home and you can do whatever you damn please... I am learning who you are and will do everything to make the little person you are be happy and have fun and bloom into a beautiful lady cat.
Here are some pictures...
Nearly a week that you came into my life and babygirl do I love you like crazy...
You are puuuuurfect... An easy joke that doesn't even come close to the truth.
You are indeed perfect. You are lovely and kind and clever. You are intelligent and understand what's going on. I don't actually have any good pictures of you. You are quite lively when I am around and I either play with you or have other things to do! Changing your...
and here it is: cat litter
from wordreference.com
'I am a English native speaker and feel it is quite acceptable to say I emptied the cat's litter tray (or changed the cat's litter in the litter tray) but yes you cannot say I emptied the cat litter - however you could say I emptied the cat litter on to the newspaper!'
And so where was I?
Oh yeah. You my babydoll are the cleverest little thing ever. I forbid you nothing. You can do anything and everything you want here. This is your home. I took the time to understand your personality and I am trying to give you what you need for now. I will not keep you inside and you will be free! I couldn't bear keeping you inside like a prisoner and I would feel like a torturer to make you go through this... I have no right to keep you inside, trapped. You are an animal with an animal instinct, a purpose, a need to be free and do your thing. You'll bring me mice and birds!! You will go and explore and hunt and be happy and please be careful... Don't trust strangers... You will go and you will come back to Mummy because you love me! I know that to be true... Oh dear... No Charles did not ruin this for me!
So let's talk about the week from Monday September 25th, when you entered my life Babydoll.
You arrived at 8am instead of 9, thankfully I had decided to get up at the normal time of 7.30... Your previous owner called about 10 minutes later asking me if he woke me up (no! no... LOL) and telling me you'd be arriving much earlier, in about a half-hour he said... Lazing a bit more in bed (shame on me! — I was exhausted though from the trip... the trip and the anxiety, that'd be more like it... Anxiety over what? Oh just the old boyfriend and wondering if I should break up? Or maybe just how?
Here is a clue:
(gosh Lexie, this is really all about you ><)
30/09/2017, 12:12 - LeChatPonti: Coucou Bébé, j'espère que tu vas bien. Il pleut ici... Il y a bcp de choses qui me tracassent. Je garde out pour moi mais l'angoisse me fait mal au ventre et je fais des cauchemars. Ce n'est pas simple... J'espère que ton problème de piratage est en phase de resolution. Je vais faire le ménage et travailler même si le coeur n'y est pas! Il pleut trop pour la lessive aujourd'hui. Bisous et bon courage et peut-être à plus tard. 😘😘😘😘💗😘💗😘
30/09/2017, 12:21 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: Bonjour bébé
Il pleut ici aussi 😔
J'attend tjs ke Microsoft me rapel...je suis debout depuis 5h ça me stress.
Je vais sûrement les rapeler cet apreme. Du cou depuis ce matin je sui sur Id vu ke j'peu rien faire d'autre.
C'est koi ki te tracace? C'est à propos de nous?
Ou autre chose ?
Si tu veux on s'appel en fin d'après-midi et on en parle.
Bisou mon coeur 😘💋💕
30/09/2017, 13:14 - LeChatPonti: Microsoft t'oblige à travailler et moi la. Pluie à faire le ménage ! Heureusement que des motivations extérieures sont là pour nous. Aider...
Oui à propos de nous, mais je ne sais pas si c'est mieux d'en parler au téléphone ou de vive voix, les deux présentent des bons et mauvais côtés... Bon je me mets au ménage... Bisous Bébé je t'aime tu sais et je ne te demande rien j'ai juste besoin de dire des choses 💗💗💗💗💗
30/09/2017, 13:36 - LeChatPonti: Oui ou cet aprèm parce que vu que j'ai commencé à pleurer ça m'aidera comme on va pas se voir pendant longtemps. PS Lexie s.en bat si je pleure haha c'est pas grave elle me fait des millions de calins!! Mon manche à balai s'est coincé ! J'espère que tu es au téléphone maintenant !! Mille Bisous 💋💋💋
30/09/2017, 13:40 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: Bin là mon coeur je vien de manger et je vais faire une sieste...je t'envoi un message kan j'me reveil et on s'appel?
J'espère ke ya rien de grave 😰
Bisouuuu bébé 😘🤗😘
A taleur
30/09/2017, 17:45 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: Ça va bébé ?
J'me reveil là...j'ai fais des cauchemars aussi et je suis en sueur 💦
Le temp de me changer d'aller faire un café et je t'appel? Dans 10min? 😘
30/09/2017, 18:01 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: T'es là mon coeur? Ou toi aussi tu fais une sieste?
Tu me dis kan j'peu t'appeler...😘💋💋
30/09/2017, 21:21 - 💙💜 Mon Bébé 💛💚: <Media omitted>
30/09/2017, 22:45 - LeChatPonti: Hey... Ca VA, t'en es où ?
30/09/2017, 22:48 - LeChatPonti: On devrait en profiter pendant que je suis... high as a kite... Tu dors ?
So, waiting for the transfer and whatever, here was you with me:
Monday September 25th
You arrive in the carpark of Aldi. Your previous owner Philippe wants to bring you to your new home and that's perfectly acceptable... but I haven't done any cleaning and that's a bit of a shame... literally, I am ashamed. For the dust... 'I haven't had time to clean'... Sounds great on a Monday morning after a full two days of no work? Well, turns out I went to see my dad for my birthday and it was awesome!
Anyhow... so first I show you where your cat litter is, then proceed to pour you some water and food. Philippe makes a face at the Whiskas cat food packet I pull out, and tells me: 'it's ok now that you bought it (geez thanks) but you need to buy cat food from the veterinary's office. Well first of all fuck you, because you didn't tell me this, in your text you said 'good quality food, not the cheapest'. You didn't say anything about buying them elsewhere than in a supermarket. Anyhow I don't know who you think you are talking to, but I am doing a training course in Le Creusot so you really think I am made of money?
Turns out Lexie likes her cat food just fine. You my darling love the ones filled with milk, they are the first ones to go.
You are a fantastic, clever girl. I let you look around and get an idea of the space that will become your new home...
Even though I could have gone to work on time, I decide to stay with you, of course, I don't even know why I am mentioning it, while this massive 'Send feedback' pop-up button is quite annoying in the right hand corner of the screen.
I don't force you onto me like Philippe suggested. I give you time and space. After a while, I take some of her —croquette/ biscuit/ dry food or even kibble in US English— and lay some down on the floor, not too close to me, and calling her. You my lovely girl come and start eating a little bit... I place the biscuits closer to me, in a path leading to me... You eat and eat at times a bit frightened but more and more confident. As you are now close to me I stroke you and you purr... what a good omen...
I do have to go so I say goodbye. I had followed Philippe's advice and roll up some little balls of paper... Turns out you love that because if there is one real hunter, it's you.
At lunch I come back and check how everything is going, food and drink and poo-poo-wise... She hasn't eaten as I had made a little trail of biscuits all the way to her bowl, none of which had disappeared. Nevermind (or, as I read, never mind) for now, as I receive that very day the little cat toys made of a little toy with a bell attached by an elastic to a wooden stick... and so I play with you and you love it! Running after it, trying to catch it by jumping as high as you can! You get understandably tired and set yourself nice and cosy in the red chair. Good, I think to myself, she'll be sleeping a bit and won't notice my absence too much.
In the evening, I worked late(er) and come back about 19h20/30... I don't have much energy to play with you, I really am exhausted... I make some quick and easy food (good old Aldi's tins) and tuck myself in bed with my tray... And gosh do you want to eat this food! It's hard to keep you away from both the food and the screen! You are also very very attracted to my glass of sparkling water, and dip a tiny bit of your a little bit of your tongue in it... It probably stings a little, seeing your pretty startled reaction... Cough cough of sort... That doesn't stop you from giving it another good go, this time with the whole tongue... and gosh do you not like it!
And finally, the night arrives and you come sleep with me. Massive cuddles ensue and it's a world of happiness hearing you purr and stroking you, while you snuggle and cuddle up to me.
I couldn't be happier.
Day II and III ensue with playing and cuddling. I am tired again on Day II (leaving at 7pm) and getting up earlier to get into work, well, early. But I play with you at lunch time, and in the evenings as I leave work at 6pm. You couldn't climb onto the little platform up the scratching post, but sure enough you managed to do it in a day or two. You climb up the curtains, as far as you can go... Yesterday Friday (well, two days ago now technically) you got yourself even higher than before, with a soft-elastic band in your mouth... I had ordered you a rope so you could play but as it arrived it turned out it was made of nylon... my bad really, which will teach me to look up and order things from my phone... because it's too small a screen and too cumbersome to check description and details... Never mind (again!), I am returning it and buying an organic rope, made of... chanvre, so cannabis plant hihihi... Anyway, I also looked high and low for a cat tree for you to play and have fun. They can be extremely costly, and unbelievably ugly. I found some with quite a nice design, but in the ned not fit the purpose of entertaining my girl. I eventually found the best for my lady with plenty of options to play, and one nesting place which you might particularly enjoy to bring back your preys.
Today Saturday was the first real cleaning day (I did swipe the floor the very morning you were here), and you behaved like the lovely clever lady you are and made yourself comfortable on the red chair, out of the way of the broom, pan and duster. You do massive poo-poo's but that is so great that your digestive system is working well! I remove your poo-poo's as soon as you make them this weekend! You are magical and wonderful and I only want for you to be happy.
You are my love and my darling and my baby and I find it hard not to talk to people about you! She did this and she did that...
This is your home and you can do whatever you damn please... I am learning who you are and will do everything to make the little person you are be happy and have fun and bloom into a beautiful lady cat.
Here are some pictures...
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